Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Dozen -2

Brandon looked at Jeremy with one cruel look.
“It was just a bottle of champagne! That’s not even shoplifting, how can it be murder?” Jeremy whispered in a coarse voice. Brandon continued to hold his stare.
Meanwhile, the officers had cuffed him and gotten him into a weird police truck and driven off.
“He’s under observation. We’ll keep you posted” This was the only thing the two big guys spoke of. After they left, the receptionist scanned them and walked away. The eleven of them looked at each other in silence. Out stepped Briana and put her hands on her hips.
“Okay, spit it out. We know Neil wouldn’t do such a thing. So who did?” she asked.
“Did what? That isn’t clear to me in the first place.” Gary shook his head as a bee buzzed near his head.
“I’ll tell you.” They all turned to look at Mackenzie who hadn’t spoken a word in this trip.
“An old rich guy was found injured in the courtyard at 5 A.M this morning. He swears he saw someone who looked like Neil try to strangle him during his early jog.  And since we’re the ones who checked in last night, we’re like default suspects.” She went back to chewing her bubble gum.
“And how do you know all this?” asked Mark.
“I have my sources, being nocturnal helps you know?”
            Through the babble that followed Mackenzie’s announcement, Jeremy and Brandon stood still. Here were all of them, on an island, without Neil. Because he’d been arrested for some modification of the crime Jeremy committed. Jeremy sighed.
“Okay. I have a confession!” yelled Jeremy, hiding his face.
“You did it?” Fiona pushed others aside.
“I what? No?! I just stole a bottle of champagne in the corridor last night. That was all.” It just flowed out like a rhyme.
“Aww Jeremy? Can’t you keep your hands to yourself here at least?” Gary prayed to Jesus in silence.
“Give the damn thing back, lets het Neil back.” said Brandon.
“We’ll check the courtyard.” Mark, Gray, Mackenzie and a few others left to the scene of the crime. Jeremy went in for the bottle and Brandon and Fiona were out talking.
            “What complaint did this guy give anyway?” asked Fiona.
“That Neil wanted his money and we all plotted to murder him.”
“That doesn’t match. We are all here by coincidence. He just stated us as accessory to ‘attempted murder?’ He doesn’t have anything to prove that we did it.” Brandon finished.
Right at that time Jeremy burst out the cottage door.
“I’ve searched everywhere. I can’t find it. I’m doomed! We’re all doomed!” Jeremy was clearly panicking.
“You won’t!” said Mark. The other set had come back from the crime scene.
“Because it’s at the crime scene behind those yellow barrier tapes…broken and covered in blood.”
“There’s your link to the attempted murder” said Mackenzie.
            They all stood shocked. Neil was there without reason; taking the blame thinking it was for the dozen. They had to get him out. But the evidence was against them, and time was ticking. They majorly needed to get planning for a prison break… for Neil. 

Click here to read on!

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