Friday 27 April 2012

Memory Basket

I've been read before,
I'm crumpling old, but,
I've come to bring fore,
The memories that have been shut.

Knee deep in mud and lost in bliss,
Stealing from cookie jars on toes,
Sealing silly promises with a kiss,
Is how an innocent soul's life goes.

And the later half goes like,
Blackboard math and playground swings,
College books and mountain hikes
Until you become a puppet with strings.

Work holds a thread,
Family tightens the other,
And soon you'll have no time to bother
About what wishes are in your head.

That's that's when you'll glance,
Like you did from school gates once,
At your past and hope for a chance,
To re-live it all, all just for once.

And so before you turn,
Make sure that memory basket,
Is full with moments you'll yearn,
Moments you just cannot forget.

And if you already did,
Its time for me to bid
Goodbye for i'm just,
A poem to read, a must!
